Many milestones to come in the next few weeks! On 30 June, I leave School of the Arts (SOTA), after a satisfying 2.5 year stint teaching creative writing in the Literary Arts Faculty. It has been wonderful to teach a bunch of talented, driven and vibrant young writers and I hope to carry on with this in some shape or form.
On 6 July, it’s WEAVE. This is a happening, a one-night smorgasbord featuring some of my most beloved collaborators over the years. There will be poetry, music, improv, movement, performance art, alcohol and dancing.
And on 10 July, Carolyn and Graham Norton (our cat!) and I move to Toronto, Canada. Forever? We don’t think so, but it’s definitely going to be for a while. Carolyn is off to do her PhD at the University of Toronto and I’m going to figure out life all over again. It’s going to be uncertain, quite cold but we are excited beyond belief.
So come say hello (and goodbye) at WEAVE if you’re unable to catch me otherwise. 30% of all proceeds go to ACRES.
Tickets: https://peatix.com/event/3966105