Here is the latest coop from the Progressive Chicken Party (PCP):
The Party believes in equality for all chickens;
no chicken should be left behind, caged against its own will.
Eggs must not be aborted into omelettes but must claim
their rights; as shell-shocked chicks scrambling to life.
All chickens suffering from cage layer fatigue
will be given a free pass to watch Chicken Little.
Chicks are yellow because they have escaped the yolk;
they are free range children of the sunny side of life.
Cockerels rise to greet the dawn, chasing the devil away.
As hens lay blessings, chickens are the progressive proletariat,
watchers of time and egg, hard-boiled believers in suffering.
Stop chicken genocide. Go for the cows, they won’t see it coming.
Chickens will be restored as oracles; once we brought
prophesies to pass, we still guide nations from the dinner table.
The foundations of philosophy have been laid from us;
which came first, the chicken, or the egg?
In other news, the Hen Pecked Association of Cockerels is organising
its annual summit on ways to minimise committing domestic fowls.