There is no place like this

The new Singapore Tourism Board video (above) is all about hip people in pretty places. The average tourist will never see any of these people. And if they do go to these locations they certainly will not get these perspectives.

The feel is gritty, the soundtrack grooves to the refrain ‘this is the place’ and builds an anticipation to be blown away by the unseen. The sparse spoken word voice-over hints at a country of edgy, defiant possibilities.

The reality is that these human possibilities are colorfully engineered constructs of ideals. The entire video is a freeze frame homage to the mise en scene of social media. It’s guaranteed to get a lot of likes. And hopefully some package tours.

Yes, we have to sell Singapore. And perhaps it is true, Orchard Road is no longer current and the theme park has lost its thrill. But there are other things to feature beyond this slick selection of experiential moments that seem to comprise the passion of this country.

Passion also means suffering, and that word is indeed apt, as there are whole swathes of people who will never be cool enough for this country.

There is no place like this
with flattened ideas, hearts and hills
There is no place for those
who deny the whitewashed will

This is the place
where passion is a mod-sin word
raised up to be worshipped
by an undercut, lit shook herd

But passion is also suffering
stateless, disoriented
frustrated from raids
on dreams disappeared
A wish to have a full meal,
lights on at night
make good on impossible loans
no rats gnawing at toes

To love who you want to love

But this is a place
where you cannot love freely
So when people visit
what is it they really see?

They won’t hear about one people,
one nation, they don’t care for our songs
of celebration, they only see success
stories, buildings that clip the clouds,
shops full of bright baubles
trains that wear no frown

They don’t see the offerings
swept up by workers
with no minimum wage
behind maximum fences

When race is not about the finish line
but the colour of our skin,
all of the Others
are washed away by the spin
When the boxes that keep us apart
help to keep our nation smart
When the leaders that we need
are voted least likely to succeed

This is the place
with world-class education and
bad grammar littered everywhere,
where schools are processions of paperwork
real learning is after school tuition-care

This is where we live
amongst a splendour of trees
but insist on double-bagging
styro-foamed plastic wrapped packaging

This is where creativity becomes a hashtag
and then a graded course in five sessions
with a complimentary tote bag

This is the place
where gambling is never as bad
as honest questioning
Where we’re encouraged to spend
without worry, but the interest
on our lives grows daily

This is the place where we roll dice, leave on the red lights
patrol with swagger, check IDs to prevent terror.
where we claim to be secure, claim to endure,
but will not stop to ask if people are ok;
we’re messaging the monsters in our heads

Where backstreets are abandoned trolleys and non-existent homeless,
where graffiti is state-sanctioned, toe the line wholeness
where nostalgia is best sold with one story-line
where we’re told what to do, and do what we’re told
time after time
and any other way out needs a license
and any other opinion means silence

Where impossibilities lead to endless possibilities
and then censorship and then fewer possibilities,
until all that’s left is a national education lesson on harmony

Where who you were will not be who you will become,
not unless your name is Meritocracy

This is where compassion should be made compulsory,
but all we get is a country we love to hate, and passion
becomes just another word for never being sorry

Hossain with broken foot

Every now and then, a horror story of the inequalities and inadequacies of how Singapore treats its ‘underclass’ emerges. Domestic helpers are often abused or ill-treated and construction workers are denied basic medical and legal recourse if they get injured. Essentially, construction companies see them as gross liabilities and don’t want to waste a cent on their medical expenses. Organisations like TWC2 though continue to do sterling work in helping these disenfranchised workers, often incurring the ire of private companies.

Hossain Md Alamgir is one such victim. Read his full story here. The original page has been removed, but the cache remains. Inspired, and horrified, by his story, here is a poem for him and everyone else who comes up against the dark side of this city, lauded globally for providing an excellent quality of life … for those who can afford it.

Hossain with broken foot

Hossain with broken foot
Hossain cracked safety boot
Hossain met metal plate
Hossain bevelled by fate

Hossain swells with the pain
Hossain must work again
Hossain would sign a lie
Hossain should not know why

Hossain takes boss to court
Hossain finds they forgot
Hossain arms for a fight
Hossain holds up his rights

Hossain sweeps up the floor
Hossain can’t keep the score
Hossain back home you go
Hossain someone we know


Note For Note

Note for Note takes place this Saturday, 25 March, at 8pm at the Arts House. Its been a project I’ve been working on since last December, and it certainly hasn’t been easy to pull together all these talents onto one stage! But I think the end result will be very satisfying. Think of this as a teaser into the larger body of work of each poet and musician. And after listening to them, go forth and buy their books and music!

Tickets available here

When ST interviewed me for this show, I said something to this effect:

Music often elicits an emotive response while poetry demands an intellectual affectation. When the two are brought together it is my hope that a new space is created, one that offers a creative insight into the intellectual workings of the poem through the emotional resonance created by the music.

Besides Note for Note, there are a bunch of other stellar performances, exhibitions and screenings going on as part of the House Party weekend, so do take some time to hang out at the Arts House.



Intersection is a project that has been three years in the making. Often, ideas are birthed from an offhanded remark in the heady rush after  a successful show or exhibition. But it takes a certain doggedness to nurture that idea, coax it to life and rally the relevant forces to keep it blooming until it finds its perfect space to breathe and bloom. This exhibition and book was the result of never letting go of that idea. Nicola and I had this grand plan to create an artistic map of three neighbourhoods in Singapore, London and Yangon. The ensuing poems are artwork would resonate across themes common to all three cities. And through this process of intersecting various threads, we would hopefully find some nexus of meaning.

As a result, we’ve created 24 poems and 33 artworks. The exhibition opens on 10 January at Intersections Gallery, 34 Kandahar Street, and runs from 11 January – 12 February and 22 February- 5 March 2017.

There will be an artist talk on 17 January and I will be running a photowriting/walking workshop at the gallery on 11 February.

The book is a 60-page, limited edition risograph print of images from Nicola’s art together with my poems. Here’s what the cover looks like!


Here’s a sneak peek of one of the poems, accompanied by Nicola’s art.

Crowned, Colony

We used to play at founding Singapore;
someone had to be the Temenggong, ceding
everything he could see, never pushing back.

The rest of us were British, asking obvious
questions about the trees; why gelam
bark was used for sails, why frangipani trees

always grew in the cemeteries. Not once did
we think these roads and schools and
rules encircled the kampung. We believed

in the glittering crown of the colony, so we
banished rogue tigers across the water,
stooped to serve an empire of khaki and tea.



You need to be there
Everybody talks about it
People don’t want fiscal barriers

The margins are narrow
The problem with traders?
No dedicated financing

Quick reenactment of an idiot colleague
More laughter

The competition risk is always going to be there
The relationship is going ok
I don’t think

The other institutions take the same approach
We would love to increase our resource flows
Folks in London look after our accounts there

How much are we looking for
It’s still very much in discussion
It takes us quite a while to get a new product up

I just need to understand
Where we are
How signable it all is

At best $100-150 million tops
Don’t see it going to a quarter of a billion
Still buying up Russian oil?

You got a bit of a wild card in DT
If he takes a hardline… oil price.. the likelihood… harder for the Gulf states… that’s what he wants…

To see you
Take care




Neon Lights

neon-lights-2016-full-scheduleThis weekend is Neon Lights, a madcap music festival that also has a large chunk of exciting arts programming. In addition to trying to catch some of my favourite acts like Foals, Jose Gonzales and Funkadelic, I’m curating the spoken word segment of the festival. Held in the Rocking Horse tent, it’ll feature new work by Deborah Emmanuel, Steph Dogfoot, Ng Yi-Sheng, Jennifer Champion, Shivram Gopinath, Kok Wei Liang, Shak and yours truly.

We go on in between the bands, so there’s no danger of being drowned out! If you’re thinking of going for the festival this weekend, maybe this will help you decide. And if you’re already going to be there, do drop by and say hi!




Festival Poets


Festival poets after the show,
in narrow hotel rooms, the door
double-locked television tuned to
something ambiguous

Festival poets light a fuse, fireworks
on feast day, a hymn of words touches
hidden places, tongues explore the ways
to translate an entrance, an exit

Making love from loneliness,
festival poets churn furiously, until butter
melts in the mouth of gods, until birds
enter a room of remembering

Until loneliness grows hard,
until rhythm takes over
slipping in and out, up and down
Until crescendo

Finally something like a sudden rain
explodes in relief, a lingering
scent of shame,
stanzas spurting on the sheet

The festival poet
falls asleep
in the sweat of a first draft;
in silence and sticky fingers

This Is Not A Safety Barrier

After close to two years of work on this anthology, it is finally here!
This Is Not A Safety Barrier is a collection of poems and photographs responding to this ubiquitous phrase found on plastic barriers at construction sites. It represents a selection of opinions seen in disparate images, both textually and visually, from people who are pushing back against the barriers, many invisible, that exist all around us.

In doing so, I hope that this collection expands the space of civic society and creates further opportunities for dialogue about who we are as a people and where we are going.

This project was made possible with the steadfast support of Ethos Books and my incredible co-editor, the gifted Yen Phang.

Come join us at the launch on 17 September 2016 at The Projector!

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New Shows!

July sure is a busy month for performances.

All of the Light (with Neon & Wonder)
Come 13th July, I’ll be at the Central Public Library to perform at the 2016 NLB Read! Festival.


The set is called ‘All of the Light,’ and my poems and songs will revolve around light and all of its connotations.

More info here:

Wok with Marc Nair (Kuching)
From 22-25 July I’ll be in Kuching, Malaysia to run a couple of spoken word workshops and also do a solo spoken-word show with beats and other suitable musical sounds.

You can read a lovely write up by the Borneo Post here:


House Party
And on 27th and 29th July, I’m teaming up with Marylyn Tan and Shivram Gopinath to put on a brand new spoken word theatre/performance called House Party. Its not your typical spoken word show, but neither is it strictly theatre. We’re even thowing in a couple of songs just to shake things up!

Tickets here:

House Party Poster


The Daily Haiku

I’ve been making a daily photohaiku on Instagram for the last month. It’s been quite the challenge, to find an image with enough ‘space’ to include a haiku, or to ensure the image isn’t compromised by the existence of text on it, as opposed to being a caption. This, I suppose, is an experiment to see how text becomes part of the image, and therefore part of the visual representation of what a haiku could be. Less ekphrasis, more espresso.

Here are a few of my favourites:

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