BLF Fundraising Speech
BLF Fundraising Speech
by Marc Nair
On behalf of my colleagues at the Beard Liberation Front (BLF),
I would like to thank you all for opening your pores and letting
the hair on my words take root in your smooth-shaven chins.
Night Walk (Yaowaraj, Bangkok)
A Kitchen Solstice
the poverty of movement
I was privileged to watch Syv Bruzeau, a butoh dancer and movement healer (watch her in another performance here) perform at the Spore Art Salon during its 23rd Edition on 30th October 2012. It was the first time (ashamedly) that I had seen butoh, and it was both an intense and immersive performance. Continue reading “the poverty of movement”
Skye High
Pictures from the sublime Isle of Skye, Scotland
Postal Code
Postal Code
What is the address for the stars?
On street corners,
I am punching old numbers into a broken
cash machine with its empty dollar lungs.
The satellites stop over heavy cloud.
They cannot pinpoint your curling eyelash,
the laughter in empty corners, this map
of a cartographer’s wet dream.
I am standing on the outside of quiet alleys,
knocking on closed doors of skin. Your body
is no compass;
it is all deserts
and solitude.
Where do I leave a message?
I am writing letters
and forgetting where you live.
It is raining too much these days,
bodies need bodies to stamp dreams on.
I am listening to a piano playing itself,
a chromatic beachcomber picking minor
we roll like
dissonant waves.
I sing to an empty house.
What is it about some songs?
They make you want to wail with them,
the chorus a wound up engine screaming
night, an angry riptide, drowned hearts of
a scarred universe where I am
playing on these four chords, some found
melody stolen from the throat of a bird.
I would like to kiss you,
to give you all my attempts to speak,
but I cannot find the way to your mouth,
and your words spill out like a nest,
twigs and leaves
building the language
of a different city.
No wonder I cannot find home.
Happy Trails
Following the antics of an indecisive snail at a coffee-shop somewhere in Bishan.